Winning portfolios require that a student's abilities and understanding of different mediums be superior. There is lots of competition when it comes to portfolio submissions and we help to ensure that you will be a chosen submitter. Even if you have previous experience in art, it is always in your best interest to leave ample time, giving you the upper-hand, and helping to ensure that you achieve a great portfolio. This necessary experience will also greatly benefit you for future school success.
At our classes, we specialize in portfolio preparation for high school and post-secondary programs pertaining to both art and design. We tailor the work students do in our classes to each of their specific needs. We assist our students in the process of creating presentable and professional portfolio pieces to satisfy each portfolio requirement.
Grade 10, 11, 12 students
Average scores: above 80%
IELTS results are required for grade 11 and grade 12 student